Sunday, November 20, 2011

Miami good bye...for a while!


Downtown Miami @ night.

The last two weeks were very exciting. We went to many parties.
One party was at a friend’s apartment in Downtown Miami. This place was amazing!! Imagine the view of lots of skyscrapers and palm trees. On the 12th floor there was a common pool and hot tup.

What a view!
 Belive me, a hot tup where more than 5  people fit inside is a lot of fun. 

In the hot tub!

We met here so far many awesome people which became very good friends in just a short time. Thank you so much guys, Jacob, Milton, Lili, Jesse, Nav, Daniel and all other couch surfers and hashers I did not mention.

Nav, Lili and Mike.

Milton the worrior..

Mike, Jacob, Milton and me.
We celebrated, had FUN and a lot of beers…Their lifestyle is really unique. You never know what to expect from them, they surprise you every day with interesting new characteristics and hobbies.

We had also a CS at our place. His name is Jay and he stayed at Milton and Jacob’s “bat cave” first. He wanted to have some nights in SOBE, so we hosted him. Unfortunately, he had a tonsil infection and he was most of the time in bed. I am glad I could help you buddy; I know how it is like to suffer from these circumstances ;)

Me, Jacob, Jay and Mike making fun in our apartment.

Nevertheless we had a great time at Nikki beach. This place is ideal to relax and party at the same time. You have beds and a cute dance floor. The drinks are in a good price class that you can afford as traveler at least 2 of them a night (one gin tonic 10 $). At around 3 am the party turns into a cuddling environment, where people start to do other things beside drinking and dancing…you know what I mean :P

Nikki Beach.

 What’s next? You guys may think we are currently in Vancouver, right? Sorry, no! It is cold up there, so we decided to stay south. We took the next Grayhound bus to New Orleans. I am at the bus right now…it is equipped with kinky leather seats (very comfortable), free WIFI, a “toilet”, and crazy people I have never seen before. A strange guy was holding his bible all the time in his right hand and tried to talk to me by staring with his creepy blue eyes in my direction…

I slept quite well here…thinking about the future…and then I decided to think about nothing except things that happened in my life (I know I am turning into a sentimental “lady”). I miss my sister a lot! She was always my best friend, family and role model.
My friends Lia and Stephie. We had so great times together, I will never forget that, believe me. Even I am in nowhere of the US…
So, I end this entry now because I need to get off the bus soon ;)

Kisses Jiny (or the US version Jinny)

P.S. This song describes my opinion of Mimai best: My Paradise - Topmodelz


  1. My soulmate ... I've just read your blog and have nearly tears in my eyes now. I also will never forget the great times, we spent together. I often think of you and sometimes I miss you very much, like now .... but it makes me happy to see that Mike and you have a great time! Take care and enjoy/live every second of this experience. Traveling opens the mind and never forget the wise sentence: Der kürzeste Weg zu dir selbst führt einmal um die Welt. You are and you will always be one of the few most extraordinary persons for me :) I am looking forward to see you.
    Kisses, Lia

  2. Now I have tears in my eyes, too. I am missing u. Take care and let me know when u start to travel.

  3. It was great meeting you guys. You will always be welcome in Miami or wherever I am. Keep being awesome and let's celebrate when you return.
